In 2020 Sophia had a Housing Stability rate of 99%
Sophia owns or manages 365 homes across Ireland
In 2021 Sophia supported 1151 in homes of their own
In the past 5 years Sophia has increased the number of people it supports by 126%
Sophia Launch 2021 Annual Report
In 2021 Sophia supported 1145 people, this included 241 families and 576 children. In just five years Sophia has increased the number of people it supports by 125%.
The charity works with people who have complex support needs. Of the adults supported by Sophia in 2021 28% had an addiction and 34% had a mental health support need. Even with those complex cases, they achieved a 99% housing stability. Meaning only one percent of those supported by Sophia in 2021 returned to homelessness. A level of stability is higher than the average achieved by Housing First, with around 15% returning to homelessness. Sophia has achieved this remarkable for two consecutive years
For more information click HERE
Sophia Housing
Sophia Head Office
Sophia Housing Association,
25 Cork St.,
Dublin 8
D08 YD91
Email: info@sophia.ie
Phone: +353 1 473 8300
Registered Charity Number: 20042363
Charity Number: CHY 13516