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Sophia Cork

For over 18 years Sophia has been providing homes with support in Cork CIty. In 2020 we opened our 6th supported housing project there,  The Hollies.

Our other supported housing locations in Cork include:  


Riverway - 9 Homes 

Sullivans Quay - 5 homes 

Leitrim St -  3 homes

Market Gardens- 10  homes 

Douglas St - 10 supported homes for people in full-time education. In association with the Cork City Council and the ETB.

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Sophia began its Tenancy Support Service in 2019 this service is in partnership with Cork County Council and works with families, couples and individuals to help them maintain their homes and not fall into homelessness.

Registered Charity Number: 20042363 Charity Number: CHY 13516

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