This week on the RTE Radio 1 show Live Line, Joe spoke to a caller named Ger. It was one of those conversations where Joe kept the caller on the line and everyone listening glued to the radio.
Ger spoke about his life and the support he received from Sr Ann Thomas and Sophia when he was younger. When Sr Ann Thomas passed away in October, the reaction from every corner of Sophia was the same, grief at her passing and appreciation for her kindness and strength. The same kindness and strength we heard in Ger as he spoke with Joe.
Ger's story is one that highlights the qualities of Ann and how she approached working with Sophia and supporting those who were vulnerable. Like so many in the past months, Ann did not get the send-off she deserved but it was a fitting tribute to her to be able to hear the impact she had from someone she had helped along the way.
You can listen to it here, starting from 37:20:
The following day, the producers reached out to Jean Quinn to come on and talk about Ann and the work of Sophia. The interview was a very positive piece where Jean spoke about Ann and how her work embodied the holistic approach of Sophia.
The clear message that comes across is that Sophia is different and that the person-centred wrap-around supports, make a difference. The interview is worth your time to listen to, and covers a lot of ground, from the start of Sophia to the UN talking about homelessness for the first time.
To listen to the full piece click here:
